David Thompson

David Thompson

Employer Branding Mentor, Coach & Consultant

Employer Branding Made Easy

Over 30 years working on all things recruitment I’ve noticed Employer Branding can be seen as a bit of a dark art and a mystery. Yet there’s an increasing need for businesses to be able to promote themselves as employers of choice. Not just to reduce recruitment costs but because job seeking talent have different expectations these days, and care increasingly about who they’re working for.

So – since I like to take on big challenges – I’m the co-creator of Employer Branding Made Easy. We’re a skills and consultancy provider passionate about enabling all companies to compete for talent on a more even playing field. Regardless of budget and whether their brand is a household name or not.

As providers of specialist online courses, consultancy and coaching services delivered in a pragmatic and inspiring style we make acquiring Employer Branding skills easier, enjoyable, cost-effective and time saving. Crucially, our courses provide all of the resources, templates and knowledge you need to bring a project to life in 20 weeks. But nothing you don’t.